If you need an estimate of car paint job prices, you have landed on the right page. Prices can vary, depending upon the scale of your paint job and quality of paint applied, along with many other factors like labor cost.
A polished brand new car is one of the most beautiful sights to behold. The beast shining in all its glory with promise of speed and power is every owner’s pride. However, maintaining that look and protecting it is a labor of love. Thankfully, unlike other labors of love, this one can be paid for by outsourcing the painting job to professionals. How much ever you protect your car and drive safely, eventually scratches are inevitable and the sheen is going to wear off. When you love your car, a scratch on it is like a scratch on your own skin. An automobile touch-up paint can take care of these minor localized scratches. A totally new paint job from car companies costs a premium. However, there are other options available like auto body shops who offer quality service at reasonable prices. The price range varies from $100 to more than $8000 depending on the painting job details. A detailed analysis is provided further.
Car painting jobs are specialized tasks that require extreme care and precision. Ensure that your car is in safe hands and you get a reasonable deal with regard to painting prices. Some people believe in doing their own jobs and getting the whole painting job done on their own. If you too are planning to follow suit, then know that this job needs to be executed very carefully. Car painting is not the same as painting walls and it’s extremely subtle work. Unless you are an expert or you have a professional to help you out, painting your automobile on your own is highly not recommended. Blotchy paint jobs can be traumatizing to say the least and difficult to live with. If you want your car to fetch value through resale or restore back its lost glory, it’s best to call in professionals. In the following lines, I provide you with a summary of the various factors which influence car prices, besides providing you with a rough cost range for the paint job, which you should expect. An average price cannot be quoted as the overall cost varies according to the specifications of the job.
Car Paint Job: Cost Analysis
Following are the car paint job prices you might expect depending on the complexity and quality of the job. Small Painting Touch-Up Jobs: $100 to $500 Higher Quality Paint Jobs: $800 to $2000 High-End Paint Jobs: $3500 to $8000+ While DIY touch up paint kits cost less than $100, professional body shops or car painting service stations cost more. The MAACO chain specializing in auto repair and painting jobs will offer you some of the lowest prices. |
Factors Affecting Car Paint Job Prices
You may have various reasons to go for a car paint job. The exposure to sun, air and water does take a toll on the paint, which necessitates a new layer of paint. Besides that, painting prevents rust and corrosion, which otherwise affects all exposed areas with time. If you are buying a second hand car, it is a good idea to get it newly painted. If you are bored of the existing shade, you can try out different paint colors or their combinations, which will radically change the look of your car. Prices are dependent on a lot of factors that need to be taken into consideration. Here is a listing of some factors that you must think about when deciding whether painting prices are reasonable: Type of Color and Number of Layers Applied Size of Car, Labor and Coverage Customized Painting |
As you can see, depending on all these factors, painting job prices can range from mere $100 to over $8,000. Of course small scratches can be taken care of with car paint touch up jobs. Check that if you opt for auto painting jobs with body shops, their technicians are qualified and they provide a warranty on the paint job. Also check some previous jobs done by the auto body shop. It’s not possible to provide you with an accurate estimate of the paint job, without knowledge of the paint quality, scale of job and labor charges. The correct estimate can only be provided by a painting professional, specializing in the trade. Still, the price range presented above is what you can expect for a reasonably old car, with decent quality paint and reasonable labor charges.