Defensive driving. Odds are good you’ve heard about the concept. Maybe you even know some people who’ve taken defensive driving classes. However, you might not fully understand precisely how defensive driving keeps you and others safe on the road.
The following basic defensive driving tips will clarify the subject. Just keep in mind, this is merely a basic introduction. You should investigate this topic thoroughly in the future to ensure your safety.
Defensive Driving: Tips to Remember Behind the Wheel
Stay Focused
There are many potential threats on the road, including other drivers, obstructions, poor weather conditions, and much more. That’s why you need to be as focused as possible when driving. Don’t let anything distract you.
Expect the Worst
It’d be nice to live in a world where everyone was responsible when driving. Unfortunately, that’s definitely not the world we live in.
Don’t expect other drivers to operate their vehicles perfectly. Expect other drivers to make mistakes. This will ensure you’re thoroughly prepared if you encounter a driver who is being irresponsible or negligent.
Don’t Race the Yellow Light
This is the kind of defensive driving tip worth including on this list simply because so many people ignore it. Did you know that in urban areas, the leading cause of traffic collisions is running the red light? These accidents often occur because a driver saw the light turn yellow and tried to make it through the intersection before the light turned red.
Resist this impulse! Waiting at a red light a few extra seconds or minutes is a lot less painful than being involved in a major traffic accident.
Keep a Safe Distance
You never know when another driver ahead of you might suddenly slam on their brakes, whether for a somewhat legitimate reason (such as a pedestrian jumping in front of their vehicle) or not. Regardless, you need to keep a safe distance from the drivers in front of and around you to ensure you have time to apply your brakes or swerve around them if you find yourself in this kind of situation.
Maintain Your Vehicle
The importance of proper vehicle maintenance can’t be overstated. First of all, maintaining your car is good for your wallet, as it will optimize the vehicle’s lifespan and reduce the odds of costly problems developing.
More importantly, properly-maintained vehicles are safer to drive. You don’t want to get into an accident because you neglected basic upkeep.
Plan Properly
You should always know what to expect when getting into your car (although, of course, she should also expect the unexpected). Before driving somewhere new, familiarize yourself with the roads to understand what types of conditions you’ll be driving in. You can even use Google Maps Street View to “test drive” them first. Additionally, make sure you plan for any inclement weather by checking forecasts ahead of time.
And, again, remember that these are merely a few basic defensive driving tips. They’re not meant to be substitutes for taking a defensive driving course, which is a smart investment in your own safety.