A leak is the most common radiator problem. However, repairing it becomes necessary to avoid overheating the engine. However, the question that every car owner wants an answer to is ‘how much does it cost to fix a leaky car radiator?’
The radiator forms an important part of your automobile. It actually works as a coolant in the vehicle and therefore helps the engine from getting overheated. A malfunctioning radiator can burn the coolant and also make the anti-freeze coolant leak out. The performance and working of the mechanism tends to weaken after years of driving in different conditions. This therefore indicates either a complete change or car radiator leak repair! Most owners prefer the latter option.
Repair Cost
Speaking of a radiator leak, most of the time it is the water pump that leaks and causes further problems such as the overheating and breakdown of the car. In such cases, most mechanics suggest and prefer to change the entire setting or at least replace the water pump in order to fix the problem. Although the replacement might sound like an expensive affair, this might be the only option that you are left with, as patching the leak or fitting a new seal is impossible in most vehicles.
Even if patching or sealing is done, this might only fix the problem on a temporary basis and the problem will pop up again over time! Most of the radiators cost around USD 200, however the average cost is around USD 120 – 150. To this you must also add the mechanics repairing cost, purchase, and maintenance cost, and labor costs. The total of which comes to around USD 80 – USD 100. So the overall cost might reach to around USD 280 – USD 350. It also depends on the local charges and the quality of the parts.
Repairing Procedure
Why go to a mechanic, when you have a DIY radiator repair procedure in place? The process is not a herculean task, if you have the knowledge of car parts.
- The first step is to wash the radiator with water and then find out which areas are leaking. If leaks are not found during this procedure, then you can remove the radiator and dip it into a water filled tube.
- Once the leaks are found you can patch up the affected area with the help of ground pepper powder, which swells after coming in contact with water, thereby strengthening the seal!
- Once this is done, you can now add the coolant up to the correct level. Close the cap and once again perform a check to see if there are anymore leaks.
- If no further leaks are found, then you are successful.
Although, the procedure seems to be easy, remember that the repair is temporary and you need to administer the problems with the intervention of a professional mechanic. Do not worry about the cost, since it is your vehicle that is more important to you!! So care for her, she’s worth it!