The small trailers for camping are a good choice for a group of 2 to 3 people. This WheelZine article gives all the information, about buying one of these vehicles.
The trailers used for camping takes care of many requirements, since it has various units such as sleeping cabin, dining place, and storage space. With a camper attached to the towing vehicle, a long trip seems very much comfortable. There are many different options for RV enthusiasts. The trailers come in a variety of sizes. The large ones are suitable for a big family; however, lightweight ones should be used by a group of, say 2 – 3 people. They can be easily towed with medium-sized vehicles. Listed below are a few good ones.
» Little Guy Teardrop Trailer
It is made of a fiber exterior, which has a teardrop-shape. Its length is 133 inches, width is 66 inches, and height is 68 inches. Important features of this trailer include an entry door with double locking system. The door comes with a slider window. Fenders and wheels of this trailer are made of aluminum. The roof vent is quite large (14 x 14). Towing these vehicles is easy; they can be towed with almost any vehicle. Price of this trailer ranges from $4,995 – $6,995.
» Airstream Basecamp
It is one of the quality products in the small trailer market. It weighs 1950 pounds, and its appearance is similar to that of a horse trailer. Rear door of the Airstream Basecamp is similar to that of a cargo aircraft. There is enough space to even load a motorcycle. Its price is $19000.
» Camp-Inn Teardrop Trailer
There are many different models available in the Camp-Inn teardrop trailer. Towing can be done with any of the small SUVs, or by means of mid-size family car. Weight of the trailer is 850 pounds, while tongue weight is 130 pounds. A Camp-Inn trailer provides enough space for 2 to 3 people. The top/roof of the sleeping cabin is hard and therefore, one doesn’t have to worry about setting-up the roof. Length of the cabin is 11ft. 4 inches, while the height is 5 ft. 1 inch. Its price ranges from $5,934 – $15,692.
» Chalet Folding Travel Trailers
The LTW, Alpine, Arrowhead, and XL series are different models of Chalet Folding travel trailers. Length of the LTW is 12 ft. 9 inch, while it is 15 ft. 6 inch. for Alpine and Arrow. The XL model of Chalet has a special electric lift system for opening the roofs. The system can be operated with the help of a button.
If one does not wish to buy a trailer, they can opt for used trailers. However, they need to be selected taking in account the wear and tear. Negotiating can help in bringing down the price to a great extent, if one possesses enough knowledge of the different parts and accessories of campers.
Spending extra money on the repair work can increase the cost of used campers. Thus, one should think about buying the used products carefully. Buying used campers can turn out to be profitable if a person has enough knowledge of the technical details. Different aspects of information related to lightweight travel trailers are thus, discussed in this article.