You never know when and where your car or bike will break down. In this article, I have given a few safety practices you should follow when you face a situation like that. Read on for more.
You never know when your tire will go flat or your car breaks down, so it’s important to keep in mind a few points in case you need to get your vehicle towed.
For Towing Cars
Never Park a Car on the Side of a Road
This is the first and the most important practice you should follow, after your car breaks down. Never park your car on the road side as vehicles come with great speed, not expecting anything coming their way. Find a mid lane or a private lane and stay there.
Put the Hazard Lights On
As soon as you have parked your vehicle, switch the hazard lights on. This is to alert the other vehicles crossing by. These lights can be seen from far, so the drivers will notice your signal from far. Also park your car in a place which is not obstructed by a turn, a rock or anything that will obstruct your car from being visible from far.
Call Breakdown Service Centers or Highway Agencies
Once you have parked your car in the right place and direction, immediately call the highway services or the breakdown service centers. Give them the details of your current location and what went wrong with your car. It is good to have membership with one of these agencies, if you don’t have one already, get one soon.
Call Your Family and Friends
Keep your phone charged when you are going outside. Call and Inform your family about your situation and also inform your friends so that if any of them are around, they can come to assist, guide, or accompany you. This will be of great use if you need something urgently and don’t have access to it immediately. Also letting them know where you are will definitely increase your security.
Carry Tools and Equipment
Always carry useful equipment with you, like your jack, a string and sturdy rope, and your tool kit. This is so that, in case you could not manage to get help from break down service centers, you’ll be able to still manage your way out. If not you, then your friend, or a helpful passerby can also help you out. Though it is not a very safe idea to approach a stranger in a stranded place.
Keep the Passengers Safe
If you have some passengers with you, get them out of the car and move them to a safe place. If you have an old or a handicapped person with you, call up the breakdown service centers and let them know if you need anything.
Use Flares or Cones or Bollards
If you have not been able to get your way out of a road that has traffic, then place cones or bollards on the sides of your car, so that the on goers are alerted about your car breakdown.
If You Are Towing a Vehicle Using Another Vehicle
If you are planning to tow your car using another car then, you will need to keep a few points in mind.
1. The car that is going to tow your car has to be considerably bigger than yours. For information check the Vehicle Manual.
2. The towed car should not have any passengers in the car. It is illegal.
For Towing Bikes
The safety norms remain the same when towing a car and a bike. You will need to drag your bike away from the road, keep the indicator on and call the roadside breakdown service agencies.
Tool Kit
Always keep a tool kit with you when riding a bike. As, you or someone else might be able to solve the problem. Call up a friend or a breakdown service center and get help.
Personal Protective Equipment
When riding a bike, it is very important that you carry and wear protective equipment like a helmet, jacket, etc.
Towing a car is not an easy act. It is an act that takes a lot of care, precaution and vigilance. The first thing is to keep yourself and others with you safe. You may try towing your car using the help of the other car, but it is a much safer option for you and your vehicle if you allocate it to the experts.