This article gives you a brief on synthetic oil comparison, which will enable you to choose the right product.
Oil performs the function of lubrication in between surfaces, thus lowering wear and tear and friction. Choosing the right synthetic oil, therefore, is very important. A synthetic oil comparison is outlined in the article below, which will help you settle for the best brand to increase the life of your car engine. Read the following paragraphs to know the pros and cons of different brands.
Synthetic oil is defined as a lubricant composed of artificially manufactured or synthesized chemical compounds other than crude oil. They can be prepared by chemically altering petroleum compounds, and can be manufactured from polyalphaolefin oils, hydro cracked oils, and esters. The main difference is that its molecules are uniform unlike conventional oils.
- Impediment to thermal breakdown or sludge formation and improved lubricity
- Reduced pour point, which helps in cold weather
- Improved shear ability and reduction in chances of coking
- Lesser loss due to evaporation
Distinguishing Factors
Low temperatures create problems such as high viscosity, and synthetic oils are the best ones to address this concern. To prevent freezing, oils with W rating were used earlier, however, they could not perform well enough in case of high performance automobile engines. Homogenousness in the shape and size of molecules causes them to sustain extreme temperature conditions. Extreme temperature conditions cause conventional oils to vaporize or oxidize, whereas, synthetic varieties reduce vaporization and are free of contaminants.
Best Brands
If you want to make a comparison chart, you will have to consider test results for various tests, such as wear metal test, viscosity test, and price. The following are few of the best brands.
Amsoil OE
It is designed for prolonged oil change breaks. This can be used in 3 viscosities and gives maximum wear and tear protection by lowering breakdown. There are 3 different types, such as SAE 10W-30 OE, SAE 5W-30 OE, and SAE 5W-20 OE. Its synthetic varieties counteract carbon and sludge accumulation as compared to regular oils. Secured with additives for dispersion, it contributes for long life of automobile engine. It reduces energy wastage due to friction, thus delivering improved fuel economy as compared to other conventional motor oils. It helps in reducing evaporation and thermal breakdown. It also helps in reducing emissions and promotes better converter operation.
Mobile 1
It is suitable for trucks and cars, especially in the most harsh driving conditions. It lowers oil breakdown and wear and tear, and thus, prolongs engine life. Its formulation helps to keep the engine sturdy by minimizing friction. Mobile affirms best performance till up to 15,000 miles. Its oils are available as Mobil 1 V-Twin 20W-50 and Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40.
Shell Rotella
Some of the features of Shell Rotella include capability for extended drain interval, are safe in cases of extreme temperatures, low or high, good fuel economy performance, and improved flow at low temperature. It is available with viscosity grade 5W-40. Shell claims to give best wear and tear protection with Shell Rotella.
Pennzoil Platinum
It comes with a limited warranty and helps keeping the engines cleaner as compared to other conventional oils. It reduces sludge formation and cleans approximately 40% sludge after 1st oil change. It is available in different types, such as Pennzoil conventional, Pennzoil synthetic blend, Pennzoil full synthetic, Pennzoil high mileage vehicle, and Pennzoil ultra synthetic.
These were some of the best brands available for your car engine. I hope this article was helpful to you in giving you a better idea about synthetic oil.